Pag ibig Loan Filing Part 2

A screen shot of the ongoing renovation GOOD MORNING❤️ To continue, I've told you in my previous blog that Pag ibig told us to submit additional requirements because upon checking, our lot didn't close, the boundaries.  Additional Requirements Required from us: 1. lot data computation 2. certified technical description   We can get these from DENR REGION 4A since we are from Rizal. The process is, get Lot Data Computation and Approved plan from DENR LOS BANOS. Bring them to DENR CALAMBA so you can request for a Certified Technical Description of the lot. So, March 4, 2024, we submitted our request for lot data computation and approved plan from DENR LOS BANOS. We were told, the line was long so our schedule to pick them up was March 19, 2024. We let one day passed, to make sure, the documents are available.  March 20, 2024, we came to get the Lot Data Computation and the approved plan. The fee was ₱50 per document, ₱100 if you want it certified. DENR CALAMBA From DENR LOS...

What To Do When Lot Boundaries Won't Close

Good day❣️

I was working on processing a housing loan with Pag ibig. When it was time for their appraiser to check in actual the subject property, he reported that lot boundaries didn't close. For that reason, the loan was disapproved. 

Loan Disapproval

Pag ibig sent an email advising that lot boundaries didn't close. We were instructed to submit the following:

1. Approved certified technical description of the lot;

2. Lot data computation

Further, they advised to submit the above requirements 30 days from the time we were notified so that we won't pay another filing fee of P1,000.00. Our loan will also have a fresh start.

Otherwise, submission of requirements beyond 30 days would mean, we will pay again another filing fee of P1,000.00. The loan will be given a fresh start.

However, if we won't go ahead with the loan, we can get our documents within 60 days. After 60 days, they are free to discard them without any liability.

Where to get the requirements Pag ibig needs

1. Lot Data computation- from DENR -PENRO

Since we are from Rizal, we were directed to DENR- PENRO, Lalakay, Los Banos, Laguna;

2. Approved technical description- 

From DENR -PENRO, Mayapa, Calamba, Laguna

The Process-

We submitted our request to PENRO-Los Banos, Laguna, stating the above two requirements as the reason for the request. Our request was processed and the waiting time would be 15 days

Request submitted - March 4, 2024

Picked up date - March 19, 2024

What we got upon picked up: 

1. Lot data computation

2. Approved subdivision plan

We paid P100.00 for this request. Another P50.00 if you want the document certified. We brought these to PENRO- Mayapa, Laguna, as these are needed for them to process the Approved Technical Description required by Pag-ibig.

PENRO - Mayapa, Calamba, Laguna

We submitted our request for the approved Technical Description at PENRO - Mayapa, Laguna. The waiting time is 54 days, as we were told to pick it up by May 13, 2024. 

By that time, our Pag-ibig loan is already expired. So, we emailed Pag-ibig advising them not to discard our files, as we are still waiting for the release of the Approved Technical Description.

Finally, we are on waiting time. Will update you again.

Thank you,



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