Pag ibig Loan Filing Part 2

A screen shot of the ongoing renovation GOOD MORNING❤️ To continue, I've told you in my previous blog that Pag ibig told us to submit additional requirements because upon checking, our lot didn't close, the boundaries.  Additional Requirements Required from us: 1. lot data computation 2. certified technical description   We can get these from DENR REGION 4A since we are from Rizal. The process is, get Lot Data Computation and Approved plan from DENR LOS BANOS. Bring them to DENR CALAMBA so you can request for a Certified Technical Description of the lot. So, March 4, 2024, we submitted our request for lot data computation and approved plan from DENR LOS BANOS. We were told, the line was long so our schedule to pick them up was March 19, 2024. We let one day passed, to make sure, the documents are available.  March 20, 2024, we came to get the Lot Data Computation and the approved plan. The fee was ₱50 per document, ₱100 if you want it certified. DENR CALAMBA From DENR LOS...



Longest Christmas Season

It's Christmas season once again. Pasko or Christmas is one of the most celebrated events in the Philippines. In fact, we have the longest Christmas season in the whole world. It's known as the "Ber months", with September as the starting month. At this time, we can already see christmas decorations and hear christmas songs played, on malls,  public transportations and even at homes. On the streets, lanterns or "parol" are already on display for sale. These are signs that once again it's Christmas season.

Misa de Aguinaldo

Back to my home place, the barrio where I was born, it was a tradition to hold a  nine (9) day novena in preparation for the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day, December 25. The novena would start dawn of December 16 and ends on 24th of December. As a child back then,  I really looked forward to these "Aguinaldo novenas", as we call it, because right after the novena, there will be "Painit", free early morning snacks consisting of biko, the star of the "Painit", suman, breads, sweet monggo, hot chocolate and coffee, both manually made from the produce of the barrio. 

The tradition was handed down by our great grand parents as early as the 1900 and is being practiced without fail up to the present.  Really thankful to all the Elders of our barrio, to mention a few, our late mother, also Na Fracia and all the elders, the youth and all the residents, which surely made the tradition alive up to the present. Below is the picture of the first day of the Novena at our barangay chapel this Christmas 2022.

Finally, my hope and prayers that the next generations would still be able to appreciate and continue the Christmas traditions handed down by our ancestors. Thank you Teacher Vic for the preparation and the pictures you provided for the first day of the Aguinaldo novena.

Thank you everyone, God Bless! Hope each of you will have the best of the season!đź’–



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