
Showing posts from December, 2022

Deed of Sale, Registration Process

Seller sells and Buyer buys according to the terms and conditions they agreed upon‼️ This is the whole process NOTES: Buyer and Seller should provide government IDs A SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY is needed if one or the parties to the transaction are not available to sign the documents personally. *********************************************       THE PROCESS and... Private/Government agencies to work to: 1. Notary Public-  Preparation and notarization of the Deed of Sale, after both parties have signed. 2. Registry of Deeds-  Get certified copy of the title of the property subject of sale. 3. Assessors Office-   Get certified copy of tax declaration for the lot and the improvement, if any. Get certificate of no improvement if there's no building or any improvement on the lot. 4. Treasurer's Office- in the municipality or city where the land is located-  Get tax clearance for the land and improvement, if any. 5. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)-  All the documents you gathered fr


PASKO NA NAMAN! Longest Christmas Season It's Christmas season once again. Pasko or Christmas is one of the most celebrated events in the Philippines. In fact, we have the longest Christmas season in the whole world. It's known as the "Ber months", with September as the starting month. At this time, we can already see christmas decorations and hear christmas songs played, on malls,  public transportations and even at homes. On the streets, lanterns or "parol" are already on display for sale. These are signs that once again it's Christmas season. Misa de Aguinaldo Back to my home place, the barrio where I was born, it was a tradition to hold a  nine (9) day novena in preparation for the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day, December 25. The novena would start dawn of December 16 and ends on 24th of December. As a child back then,  I really looked forward to these "Aguinaldo novenas", as we call it, because right after the novena, there will be "

Section 4 Rule 74 Annotation on Title

What is Section 4 Rule 74 These past days, I was busy working on four Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate processes. Three of which were about Annotation of Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate to claim sum of money, and the other was Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate with Absolute Sale. From these experiences, I was able to understand the logic behind annotation of Section 4 Rule 74 on the title.  As I understand, within the two (2) years after the settlement of estate and its distribution, if there's an heir or a person who will come up to say that he/she is deprived of his/her lawful participation in the estate, then he/she can compel the settlement of the estate in the courts per provision of Section 4 Rule 74, Rules of  Court.  As we can see,  annotation of  Section 4 Rule 74 on the title, when we are processing settlement of estate, is really important.  Anyway, once the two (2) year period has passed and no claimant has showed up,  you can have the annotation of Section 4 R