Deed of Sale, Registration Process

Seller sells and Buyer buys according to the terms and conditions they agreed upon‼️ This is the whole process NOTES: Buyer and Seller should provide government IDs A SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY is needed if one or the parties to the transaction are not available to sign the documents personally. *********************************************       THE PROCESS and... Private/Government agencies to work to: 1. Notary Public-  Preparation and notarization of the Deed of Sale, after both parties have signed. 2. Registry of Deeds-  Get certified copy of the title of the property subject of sale. 3. Assessors Office-   Get certified copy of tax declaration for the lot and the improvement, if any. Get certificate of no improvement if there's no building or any improvement on the lot. 4. Treasurer's Office- in the municipality or city where the land is located-  Get tax clearance for the land and improvement, if any. 5. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)-  All the documents you gathered fr

TIN of the Estate


Filing TIN of the Estate 
Transfer of RDO- BIR form 1905
TIN of the Estate - BIR Form 1904

 When we are filing for an Estate Tax, aside from the many requirements that we need to submit, filing a TIN of the Estate is also a must to do. We will be using the TIN of the Estate in paying the Estate tax. It will be applied using BIR form 1904.

Filing TIN of the Estate 

Lately, we were able to process an Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate. I was one of the Attorneys-in-Fact. The place of residence of the decedent (the one who passed away), was NCR. When we were in the process of applying TIN for the Estate, the BIR staff noted that the TIN of the decedent, when he was still living, was from another BIR RDO branch. The RDO advised that we need first to have the TIN of the decedent cancelled. The cancellation will be done by the RDO who issued his TIN when he was still living. 

Transfer of RDO- BIR form 1905

We were endorsed to his RDO branch, which was also in the NCR. Once there,  they advised that they will get our original Special Power of  Attorney, as it will be attached to the cancellation request. We can not give them the original SPA because we need it to process the Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate. So the alternative was just to transfer the decedent's RDO to the RDO branch near his residence. This is the RDO where we will be filing his Estate Tax thru the Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate. To process the transfer of RDO, BIR Form 1905 was filled up, signed and submitted by my co Atty-in-Fact.

BIR FORM 1905 - Application for Registration Information Update for Updating / Cancellation of Registration / Cancellation of TIN / New Copy of TIN Card / New Copy of Certificate of  Registration

TIN of the Estate - BIR Form 1904

After submission of BIR form 1905, the transfer was done. We were able to apply for the TIN of the Estate,  after the decedent's TIN (when still alive) was cancelled by the new RDO branch near his residence. Eventually, we were able to work on the processing of the Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate and got the TIN of the Estate.

This is all for now. Thank you for your time ❤️.

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