Pag ibig Loan Filing Part 2

I will not go into details on the sale transaction requirements, since I already have a detailed blog here on that. You can just search for "Deed of Absolute Sale" blog for guidance still on this site,
I was amazed, finally BIR is able to come up with a system that is fast and of course reliable, I believed. Upon reaching home, I immediately searched the BIR site for news to support the fast eCAR release stated on my claim stub. Here is what I found, much, much better, than their previous manual system. Here, you can submit your documents for review online rather than going personally to BIR. If everything is alright with your documents, the System will facilitate computation of corresponding taxes. This is very helpful to avoid the long lines at BIR. They will review your submission and once approved, you will be notified to download and print the claim slip. You have to present it to the RDO together with the physical copies of the documents you submitted online. By that time, you can already claim the copy of your eCAR. It's fast and hassle free. Good job BIR!
For detailed explanation, below is the link to the tax payers guide regarding the BIR eONETT process.
Hope this helps.
Thank you and God Bless!🙏 #pamanafromancestors❤️
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