
Showing posts from April, 2021

Deed of Sale, Registration Process

Seller sells and Buyer buys according to the terms and conditions they agreed upon‼️ This is the whole process NOTES: Buyer and Seller should provide government IDs A SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY is needed if one or the parties to the transaction are not available to sign the documents personally. *********************************************       THE PROCESS and... Private/Government agencies to work to: 1. Notary Public-  Preparation and notarization of the Deed of Sale, after both parties have signed. 2. Registry of Deeds-  Get certified copy of the title of the property subject of sale. 3. Assessors Office-   Get certified copy of tax declaration for the lot and the improvement, if any. Get certificate of no improvement if there's no building or any improvement on the lot. 4. Treasurer's Office- in the municipality or city where the land is located-  Get tax clearance for the land and improvement, if any. 5. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)-  All the documents you gathered fr


Greetings! Good morning friends all over the world! Hope everyone is safe and fine 😁. Deed of Absolute Sale Today, I would share my experiences on the processing of title ownership thru sale. When a buyer and a seller agree to complete a sale, there is now a need to execute a Deed of Absolute Sale.  Deed of Absolute Sale template attach for your reference, just click the link below to view: Deed of Sale However, don't forget to check the authenticity of the property being sold, if it is really existing and if the seller really is the real owner and if there are any encumbrances on the title. How are we going to do that? Authenticity check Request the following documents related to the property: 1. Certified true copy of title You can get this from any computerized Register of Deeds branch near you. This will spare you of travel inconvenience in case the Register of Deeds branch where your property is located is far from you/your residence. Remember to check if there is any lien

My Purpose

  My past experiences have brought me here😁 You may wonder why I've got several experiences to share with regard to real estate processes πŸ€”.  For better understanding, let me share with you a little of my life. I am Anchi Balita, you can check my facebook page here: In the past, I worked for 17 years in a development and construction company. It was into selling of  real estate properties, houses and subdivision lots. There, I was exposed to a lot of real estate works, particularly documentation and document preparation. After  17 years,  I resigned to concentrate on being a mother to my daughter who was starting school at that time. She was 4 years old. To be able to contribute to the family income, I did some part time real estate selling. That, after I got my license as a real estate broker.  Really thankful to those years of useful experiences. I am now able to share them to people. Of course, I am always grateful to my sister, a law gra


Greetings!  Friends from all over the world, a pleasant day to all of you 😁.  My prayers and wishes of goodwill! Keep safe everyone πŸ™. Is it that costly?  Today, I want to share with you the expenses I incurred for the requirements and processing of this Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate. When we are talking about transferring ownership of a real estate property from parents, relatives or ancestors that have passed away, our initial reaction is "Oh it's very costly, I'd rather not transfer to my name. Anyway, the property is mine and I can use or sell it anytime." Can you sell the property? The land is yours, being passed on to you from your ancestors. You can use that anytime, plant crops or build a structure, or any other thing you want to do with the property. However, it's complicated when you want to sell it. Selling involves transfer of ownership to the new owner and this is possible only if an Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate has been executed, 

Part 2- Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate

Continuation...please check my previous blog for the Part 1.  Greetings!  Hi again to everyone! Hope everybody are in the best of health and happy, despite the issues brought about by the pandemic. My wishes and prayers of good health to all of you, wherever you are in the worldπŸ™.  Certificate of Publication Supposedly, the publication of the Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate should have been finished by this time, since the ad will run once a week for three consecutive weeks only. However, I called the Manila Bulletin office a while ago and they advised that the certificate won't be available until next week. Anyway, I have still lot of things to do... getting the requirements for the filing of the estate tax with the BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE (BIR) which is my next step after I will get the certificate of publication.  Working on BIR requirements My location is part of the NCRplus bubble, which is under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine,  so it is hard for me to go arou

Part 1- Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate

 Legacy from ancestors Happy day to everyone! My name is Anchi, a mother to a lovable daughter and sweet furbabies.  Welcome to my first blog😁. These days, I am assigned to work on a legacy from ancestors. I decided to chronicle and share my experiences while working on this. Please follow me,  as I go through the process, you may be able to find helpful information. Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate There is no will and testament, so the legacy would be via the Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate. Quite complicated, but there's no other way to go. After a thorough search and help from knowledgeable family members, I came up with the "Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate" template. I will attach the form in this blog for reference. There may be people, like me,  who are also into it or will be undergoing the process. After the form has been signed, we proceeded to have it notarized by a Notary Public. The fee was just minimal because it was not that big,  a property an